Our Policies


The school is managed by two (2) Executive Directors and a Board of Directors who have oversight responsibility for the professional, administrative, and financial matters of the school.


The school’s day-to-day administration is in the hands of the Executive Directors. The Headteacher is appointed by the Board of Directors, acting on the Executive Directors’ recommendation. The Headteacher is assisted by deputies. The three main departments of the school are Pre-school & Kindergarten, Primary & Special Programs and Administration.


Chosen Royals Montessori admits pupils into creche to primary. Children who are one year old by September in the year of admission are eligible to apply.

Admission into KG is by written examination and interview. A child appearing for an interview must bring along the following documents.

  • The original and photocopy of the inoculation certificate
  • The original and photocopy of his/her birth certificate

The school retains the photocopies, and the originals are returned to the parent.

Admission into Grade 1 (Basic 1) through Grade 4 (Basic 4) is by written test in English and Mathematics. A child must score at least 60% on each paper to qualify for admission.

A parent whose child is successful at the interview is given a bill that must be settled in FULL before the set deadline. Fees paid are non-refundable.

Children who are admitted mid-stream (Grades 1-3) will be required to produce a Cumulative Record Card/Booklet from their previous school as a condition for admission.

Regulations and payment of fees

Pupils on first admission into the school must pay the term’s fees in full. The fees include the cost of uniforms, books and other materials supplied before the child joins the class.

Continuing pupils and students must pay the term’s fees on or before the start of the term. Failure to do so may result in the child being excluded from class.

All fees must be paid in full on or before the start of the term. No rebate is allowed for temporary absence from school.

Withdrawal of pupils and students

Parents and Guardians who wish to withdraw their pupils and students from the school must give a term’s notice or in lieu of this pay a term’s fees in lieu of notice.

All transfer documents including Cumulative Record Cards and Transcripts will not be released to parents and guardians who withdraw their wards from the school until all outstanding fees are paid in full.

The school year

School hours



Curriculum philosophy

Chosen Royals Montessori School is an independent educational institution with a multi-cultural environment. Our core objective is to provide a healthy, safe, and secure environment within which pupils and students will be active participants in their own learning.

While teaching the basics of the formal educational syllabus prescribed by the Ghana education service, we seek to develop the intellectual, physical, moral, emotional, and social abilities of our pupils. These programs are designed to provide an all-round education to enable the pupils and students to develop into productive conscientious and self-respecting members of society.

The pivotal point of our curriculum is the development of critical thinking skills. We believe in teaching pupils and students how to think rather than what to think.

We want our pupils and students to be able to analyze and evaluate what they are taught. They will then be able to go beyond the information presented and generate new ideas.

Homework/Project work

Homework and project work are essential aspects of the teaching and learning process. They enhance or reinforce what is taught in the classroom. Teachers set homework or give project work assignments regularly based on the topics taught in class.

Parents and guardians are expected to check with the school if their wards persistently claim they do not have homework or project work.

Co-curricular activities

  • Swimming
  • Taekwondo
  • Ballet Dancing
  • Music/Orchestra

Grading System

The school’s key to its grading system is as follows:


Pupils in the primary department must obtain at least 50% in six (6) subjects including English Language, Mathematics, Natural/Integrated Science, and a Ghanaian Language.


After the first term examination, pupils and students who perform poorly, both in class assessments and end-of-term examinations are identified and encouraged to buck up and work harder.

Pupils and students who fail in both first and the second term exams are also identified and their parents or guardians are invited for discussion. Parents and Guardians are then informed that their wards are likely to repeat their classes should they fail the third term examination.

The average scores in all the subjects will be calculated for the three terms. If a child fails to score 150 points, he/she would be repeated.


No pupil or student shall absent himself/herself from class or examination without permission.

Parents and Guardians must inform the school administration in writing if their ward will be absent from school for three or more days.

Other School Programs

Pupils and students are expected to participate in all school programs and activities which include:

Visit to the school

Parents and Guardians or visitors are not permitted to visit the classrooms or walk around the compound during school hours except by permission or previous arrangement with the headteacher.

All parents and guardians and visitors to the school should first see the receptionist in the General office. She will direct the visitor to the appropriate officer. All parents and guardians and visitors must note that any issue concerning their wards, teacher, or the school in general must be addressed to the Headteacher or Assistant Headteacher who will take the necessary action.


For safety reasons, pupils and students are not permitted to bring glass containers to school. All drinks and food must be kept in plastic and paper containers.

Pupils and students should avoid running along verandahs, walkways, and stairways to prevent collisions with others.

Only Natural juice are allowed for safety of children health.


Textbooks are provided by the school and remain the property of the school. Pupils and students are expected to take proper care of them. Parents and guardians will be surcharged for damaged or missing textbooks as well as library books.

Exercise books supplied to pupils and students at the beginning of the academic year form part of the bill.


All parents and guardians will be required to submit a medical report on their wards on admission for the first time. Pupils or students must not be sent to school if they are not well. Parents and guardians must inform the school if their wards cannot attend school due to ill health. It is advisable for parents and guardians to keep their wards at home and notify the school immediately it becomes known that the child has contracted any of the highly infectious diseases such as measles, mumps, chicken pox and cough and airborne diseases.

End of year ceremonies

A Graduation ceremony is organized for the KG graduands every year. Certificates and prizes are awarded to them.

A second graduation ceremony/speech and prize-giving day is held every year for the final-year students and the rest of the school.

General Appearance

Chosen Royals Montessori acknowledges the influence of fashion on pupils and students. However, there are certain appearances in the form of clothes, styles, and fashions that are not acceptable and will not be encouraged in school and at school functions. They include:

  • Hair must be kept short and neatly trimmed (Parents of girls can make special arrangement with school salon to manage ward’s hair).
  • Nail(s) must be kept short and neatly trimmed. Nail polish, colored or colorless should not be worn by students and pupils.
  • There should be no make-up whatsoever.
  • Wearing jewelry for girls is prohibited except for earrings (Studs and plugs are recommended).
  • The length of the girl’s skirt or dress must be two inches below the knee.
  • The shorts should be worn at the waist with a belt if appropriate.
  • Shirt must be neatly tucked into the shorts.